2021/2022 Chinese Government Scholarships Information, Henan University(河南大学2021-2022学年度中国政府奖学金招生信息)

21-3-9 下午6:18 作者:河南大学 【

    Henan University, founded in 1912, is located in Kaifeng, a famous historic city which used to be the capital of China during eight different dynasties. In 2008, Henan University formally entered the list of the universities which are jointly developed by the provincial government and the ministry; in 2016, the University was selected in the 111 Plan; and in 2017, the University becomes a Double First-rateuniversity. For more than 100 years, Henan University has developed 600,000 kinds of talents.

    Now Henan University is one of Chinese Government Scholarships universities with 12 branches of learning including literature, history, philosophy, economics, management, law, science, engineering, medicine, agriculture, education and art. It now has 98undergraduate programs, 43 primary discipline Masters programs, 24 professional Masters programs, 20 primary discipline doctoral program and has 19 doctoral research centers.

Henan University has a strong working staff of more than 4400 individuals. Among them, there are 21 full-time and half-time academicians as well as 1700 professors and associate professors. Now there are more than 50,000 students receiving a full-time education here. Among them there are nearly 11,000 postgraduates and more than 800 international students. There are publishers and various academic publications. Henan University Library has collected a paper book collection of 5,200,000 copies, electric book collection of more than 7,000,000 copies. Henan University has actively participated in internationalized education, and established partnership with more than 170 universities from 36 countries and regions around the glob.

    Welcome to Henan University



   河南大学是中国政府奖学金委托培养高校之一, 拥有文、史、哲、经、管、法、理、工、医、农、教育、艺术等12个学科门类的综合性大学,98个本科专业,43个硕士学位授权一级学科,24种硕士专业学位授权类别,20个博士学位授权一级学科,19个博士后科研流动站。现有教职工4400多人,其中专兼职院士21人,正副高级职称1700人;全日制在校生5万多人,其中研究生1.1万人、留学生800余人。学校办有出版社和多种学术刊物,图书馆有纸质图书520万册、电子图书700多万件。学校先后与40多个国家和地区的170余所高校建立了友好合作关系,是世界大学联合会和亚太大学联合会成员。


        1. Q&A about Chinese Government Scholarship(English-Chinese version) .pdf 

       2.  Introduction to Chinese Government Scholarships Program (English-Chinese version).pdf

       3.  Chinese Government Scholarships-Chinese University Program (English-Chinese version).pdf

       4. Chinese Government Scholarship-Bilateral Program(English-Chinese version).pdf

       5. Chinese Government Scholarship-AUN Program(English-Chinese version).pdf

         6. Chinese Government Scholarship-EU Program(English-Chinese version).pdf

         7. Chinese Government Scholarship-Great Wall Program(English-Chinese version).pdf

         8.Henan University Online Application Process Diagram(English-Chinese version).pdf

         9. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER(English-Chinese version).pdf

        10.English Taught Programs of Henan University.xls


        12.Payment Notice for Chinese Government Full Scholarships Student.pdf